Points of Tension between Neutrality and Ethics


  • Franz Cede




The present article deals with the relation between neutrality and political ethics, a matter so far rarely discussed in academic literature. The article addresses, in a general way, the existing tensions between neutrality and ethics in international relations and international law. It particularly points to potential contradictions between the obligations deriving from the UN – Charter binding all member states and Austria’s international obligations under the law of neutrality. This contribution examines three current cases where points of tension between Austrian neutrality and political ethic clearly emerge. The first instance refers to the question of Austria’s participation in the demining projects currently underway in Ukraine, the second case relates to Austria’s voting pattern in the EU bodies regarding financial and military assistance to Ukraine. The third case concerns the exact purview of the so-called Irish clause in the EU-Treaty of Lisbon which provides for a specific obligation of assistance in case an EU member state becomes victim of an armed aggression. The Irish clause provides an exemption for neutral states from the duty to render assistance as the provision makes it explicitly clear that this does not prejudice the specific character of the security and defense policy of certain member states. The article concludes by calling on both political scientists and international law experts to take a closer look at the difficult relation between ethics and neutrality in the future.

Author Biography

  • Franz Cede

    Dr. F. Cede ist ein österr. Diplomat i.R. und Rechtswissenschaftler. Er leitete von 1993 1999 das Völkerrechtsbüro des österreichischen Außenministeriums und war von 1999 bis 2003 österr. Botschafter in Russland. Von 2003 bis 2007 vertrat er Österreich als Botschafter in Belgien und bei der NATO. Dr. Cede blickt auf eine rege Lehrtätigkeit an österreichischen und ausländischen Universitäten zurück und ist Autor sowie Herausgeber einer Vielzahl von Veröffentlichungen in den Bereichen Völkerrecht und Sicherheitspolitik.


