The role of political representation for the availability of childcare in municipalities of Upper Austria
The literature on public childcare provision focuses mainly on countries as unit of analysis and investigates public expenditures or enrolment rates. We contribute to existing studies by analysing the availability and flexibility of childcare provision at the subnational level. Although Austrian municipalities experienced childcare expansion, there are remarkable differences in availability and flexibility among them. We test four explanations for this variation: party ideology of local councils, party ideology of mayors, women’s representation in local councils, and gender of mayors. Ordinal and logistic mixed-effects models covering 429 municipalities in Upper Austria between 2011 and 2018 reveal that the cabinet share of the Social Democratic party (SPÖ) and women in local councils show a robust association with higher quality of institutional childcare provision, while the Christian Democratic party (ÖVP) is negatively associated. In contrast, mayors play no role.
Copyright (c) 2025 Tobias Wiß, Thomas Pilgerstorfer
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